Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Well Can You Roll With It Kids?

Sometimes you need to be strict, stick to your guns, have really strong boundaries. Like, when someone tries to pressure you into something that doesn't feel right, or when you believe in something with a passion so fervent you can feel it in your core. Or, if you have crazy in-laws. I don't, just for the record.

Being strict, doesn't necessarily mean strong though. I've met many people who are strict in their self-guided rules and disciplines, their thoughts on everyday life, what their children should and should not do, who happen to have a really hard time when life throws them a curve ball.

If I had a choice, I'd be balanced. But, I don't. My biological makeup means that I'm more tense and more of a spazz than I'd like to be. I have a hard time being flexible, it takes work. Lots and lots of work. But I have a lifetime membership in this department, and luckily, this is something I get to work on everyday.

Life throws curve balls. It just does. We have two choices when this happens: Burying our heads in the sand and pretending it didn't, or, being mindful, feeling it, and learning from it.

What I'm trying to pass on, is the importance of being able to take a step back, away from any problem, big, small, in the middle and say this, wholeheartedly:

"This is going to be okay."

Oh, and just one more point I'd like to pass on...Just because you're willing to roll with it, doesn't necessarily mean it's painless. Pain is part of life. As is growth. The two go hand in hand if you can see it. But, when you can't, it's not the time to throw curve balls at others, it's the time to reflect, quietly to yourself and confidants only and see things not just as what they are, but what they could be.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Okay Kids, Here's the Thing About In-laws

When you get married, if your spouse still has a relationship with his/her parents, so will you. I've heard about many, many gnarley in-law interactions. One of my favorites is when a friend of mine, pregnant with her fourth child, went to share the news with her M-I-L. After doing so, the MIL got up, walked out the door, and drove away.

I can't say that some of the stories I've heard aren't humorous, and just like marriage, there really are no "perfect" relationship when it comes to parents, but there are definitely positive ones.

The number One reason for in-law discord: Boundaries. Have healthy ones, insist that those in your circle respect them, and if they don't, make a change.

My mother-in-law has been here for the past 24 hours. She's uber-helpful, respectful, and loves, loves my kids. Plus, we laugh. It's a pretty good time, and I appreciate her. And, I need all the help I can get right now.

I would love to hear your greatest in-law moments!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mama on the Run

I am running. I've actually stopped running for exercise and now only run around. In circles. All week long. I'm getting so tired and the phrase I used over and over this past week was "running on empty." Here to there, there to here, I've shuffled, hustled been late, and tired.